You are a researcher, currently focus on the research about the personal stories of people who have come back from world-traveling years later. You want to figure out what their life looks like now.
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“I have so many positive memories and it has changed the way I think about everything. It's made me more passionate than ever about political issue生薑精油,s like human rights, poverty, i妹妹igration, racial discrimination, refugees. It sounds all so cliche but I don't know how else to put it.”
清之說,觀光的時辰,她在日志里写下一句話叫“Travel makes me humble.”(humble:辞书释义谦虚的)。“我感觉humble也象征着一種坦荡。阿谁時辰本身啥都没有,被丢到一個處所以後,啥都愿意去领會和進修。可是如今,我會去依靠一些工具,好比觀光時旅店舒不恬静,他人是怎样評價阿谁處所的,好欠好玩。有太多的先入為主了,會有不少的别離心。”访谈中,清之意想到某種坦荡的生命状况彷佛被感官享受取代了部門。